
Brand on Purpose!

Nothing we do should be pointless.

People thrive with purposeful work.

Make purpose work for your company.

Don’t let that happen in your company!

When we clarify and share our brand’s purpose:
– We experience meaning
in our work, more fulfillment, and people more willingly engaged.
– We attract others
who want to join our team and share our purpose and vision.
– We press through difficulties
toward a greater goal.

How does this impact attracting young talent?
People complain about Gen X wanting meaning right out of college. Have you heard someone say to a young professional, “Work a while, honey, and you’ll find your purpose.” or “They should just stop dreaming and do the work. “

Meaningful work is relevant to all ages. People in every generation and across industries, in study after study, express dissatisfaction with their work. This does not produce commitment or passion. They do the work because they need to, and wait for the weekend. Or find something else.
Business leaders have a lot to be concerned about. This is too important to put on the back burner. It’s compassionate thing to give purpose, meaning, and relevance to our work.

Our businesses have the potential to give the gift of meaningful work to our teams. It’s a gift that doesn’t cost money. It starts in the heart of a leader.

Identify Your Company’s Unique Purpose

You can ask 100 business coaches to describe the path to identifying a brand’s purpose and you’ll likely find 100 variations. Here’s a simple way to begin.

Ask three questions:

  1. What do with excellence?
  2. For whom do we do this?
  3. What is the transformation they experience?

(HINT: Our purpose is about serving people)

Identity Creative presented at CBRT’s (Christian Business Roundtable) quarterly breakfast at the Birmingham Country Club.

Get inspired to Brand on Purpose with this 20-minute video recap!

Does your brand have a clear purpose that everyone on your team knows? Do you struggle to identify a purpose behind your brand? We’ll design a workshop to uncover the purpose behind the work you do and help you weave it through every part of your brand!