What happens when your business is involved in philanthropic giving? Here’s our top seven:
1. Brighter Future
There is an opportunity in every community to help someone in need, and businesses with a social conscience want to use their talents to help lift others to an improved quality of life and new hope for the future.
2. Strengthening Connection
Through inspiring experiences, leaders and employees of your company will feel connected to people in-and-outside of your business in a refreshingly new way.
3. Intrinsic Rewards
The gift we receive for helping–especially doing something for someone without expecting something in return–can’t be purchased, and it’s never lost.
4. Living Values
Working together on a goal that is a more-than-just-business strengthens many of the core values companies are working to build in their culture.
5. Cross-pollination
When employees of different companies work together, an opportunity is created to spark fresh insights in areas of leadership, project management, teamwork, and communication, communication, and innovation.
6. Renewed Hope
There’s plenty of sadness and trouble in our world. Meeting amazing people who are solving problems and lifting people from despair into hope, is enough to make your heart lighter and hope brighter.
7. Brand Soul
Providing opportunities for your employees to volunteer reveals the heart of your company. Being involved in the community connects people–people that may, or may not, refer business to you. Yet, your company’s commitment to philanthropic work creates a positive impression of your brand while helping build a better world.
What are some of the ways your business has benefitted through giving? Where is your favorite place to give? Let us know in the comments below!

Looking for a way to help your team give? Opportunity is not far off! There are so many organizations doing good in your community, just ask around. Impact100 Metro Detroit TV has interviewed some amazing nonprofits in the Metro Detroit area doing great behind-the-scenes work. Watch a few shows and pick one to support!