
Creative Services

Seminars & Workshops

Create your custom Brand Blueprint in our interactive workshops.

Identity Creative offers workshop modules to create your Brand Blueprint.

Create Your Blueprint

At one of our branding workshops you’ll develop your custom brand blueprint, including the following:

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Purpose
  • Core Values
  • Key Differentiators
  • Brand Promise
  • Slogan
  • Customer Messaging
  • 16-Second Story (Elevator Pitch)

Branding Workshops

When was the last time your leadership team invested time to focused on building and cultivating your brand?

If you’re a leader, it’s too easy to become caught up in the pressures and urgent demands of running a business, then find yourself disconnected from the passion and purpose that once motivated you. Reconnect with your passion and give voice to that purpose. Schedule a Branding Workshop: It’s like a retreat for your brand!

Each Identity Creative Aerial View Meeting Marketing Brand Workshop is designed to walk your team through a strategic process that opens doors of discovery to your brand’s unique treasures.

You’ll come away from your discovery session with the pieces to build a Brand Blueprint for your brand. This tool will be a valuable resource for more effective marketing and a healthier corporate culture.

Select a Workshop

Let us schedule a seminar for your organization.

Build a Brand to Stand Out

Is your company is suffering from a common business ailment, Bland Branding? How will you communicate what makes you unique and your brand promise? Your company is making a lasting impression: what is it saying?

Roadmap to a Strong Brand

Identity Creative brings branding full-circle. If you want a dynamic brand, you’ll want to be sure you are building on a solid foundation of core values, clear purpose, and a well-crafted brand promise. A beautiful brand begins deep within. Learn how to make it happen.

Branding vs Marketing?

How does weak branding affect your marketing? Make certain that your marketing strengthens your brand and sends a clear message that is consistent and authentic Being well-branded makes for smart—and more profitable—marketing!

When is it time to rebrand?

If a company is running with a weak brand foundation, it’s like walking with a stone in your shoe. Your sales & longevity will take a hit. Updating your logo with a clear and distinct message will bring your business unexpected results.

Elements of an Effective Logo

Whether you’re looking to hire a designer, or on track to do it yourself, what are some fundamentals you must know to achieve the perfect brand identity? Don’t let someone make standard industry mistakes with your identity!

Contact us and let us know the topics that interest you. Together, we’ll determine availability to schedule a seminar for your organization.

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